My Boyfriend’s Love Language is Quiet

…and I Need to Talk About That

Melissa Gould


Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

My boyfriend and I were reading in bed the other night when I turned to ask him, “What’s your love language, again?” Marcos looked up at me from his phone, “My love language?” He considered, “I think it’s quiet.”

I looked at him and said, “Quiet?”

“There’s too much talking sometimes. I like quiet.”

“Wait.” I said, “Do you think I talk too much?”

He raised his eyebrows, turned off his phone and said, “Come on, baby. It’s time for bed. Let’s settle in.”

“Honey!” I think I yelled, “Quiet is not a love language!”

He yawned, “I think it’s mine.”

I wasn’t sure if I should feel insulted, but then he kissed me deeply and I remembered that affection is his love language. His real one. The one that we can read about and google and look up on a chart. But quiet?

As he pulled up the covers and drifted off to sleep, I sat there wide awake contemplating my favorite subject: the two of us. How is it that this man, this love of mine, this beast as I affectionately call him, could be my partner for the past nine years? Nine years. NINE! But if quiet is his love language, and I need to talk about the same thing 100 times until I’m certain I’ve…



Melissa Gould

Author of Widowish, A Memoir, an @Amazon bestseller 🎉 Named a Best Grief Book of All Time🎉 A @goodreads Top Book of 2021 🎉 More at