Sometimes A Girl Just Needs Her Dad

Melissa Gould
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2020


Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash

I got the bill for my homeowners insurance recently and got very confused. There’s the usual — dwelling coverage and personal property coverage — but then there was a charge for earthquake coverage — that part threw me. “This is a dad question,” I thought. Only, my dad wouldn’t be helpful. He’s a life-long New Yorker and doesn’t know from earthquakes. Plus, he just turned 80. He loses words (more than I do), frequently mistakes my daughter’s name with his other granddaughter, and I’d venture to guess that when he wants a cup of coffee, he’s not sure which cabinet his favorite mug might be in.

All of that said, when I spoke to him on the phone this morning while on my neighborhood walk, he said, “I have a great visual of where you are right now. You’re on that big street where Trader Joe’s is, so if you make a left, you’ll pass my favorite grass store!” My daughter and I laugh about her grandpa’s love of marijuana and the pride he takes over his sense of direction. It’s important to him that he knows my neighborhood and its street names, but he would know nothing about whether or not I should get earthquake insurance. Still, I want to bring it up with him because sometimes, a girl just needs her dad.

I love the fact that my father is still here, that I can pick up the phone and talk to him anytime I want to… but my daughter will never know this luxury, of…



Melissa Gould

Author of Widowish, A Memoir, an @Amazon bestseller 🎉 Named a Best Grief Book of All Time🎉 A @goodreads Top Book of 2021 🎉 More at