The peace mantel in the kitchen.

In Anticipation of Inauguration Day, I Made a Peace Mantel in My Kitchen

Let it begin with “We.”

Lisa Bay Santiago
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2021


When I heard the news, tears welled up not just in my eyes but also in my bones.

I had been bracing myself for something other than a peaceful transition of power, but I didn’t allow myself to waste a moment of my life force imagining what that might be. Really, I’ve been bracing myself for months, maybe even years, at this point. Every day, another despicable act, a cruel criticism, an angry accusation. What happened to Donald Trump’s soul?

I have been around long enough to know that the only part of the equation of life that I can control is my response. So, in anticipation of Inauguration Day, I made a peace mantel in my kitchen.

The peace mantel in my kitchen is meant to anchor myself and my family to our peace, which is the choice we are making. In it, sits tall wooden candle holders with pure white candles, a navy blue heart decorated with the words, “Peace On Earth,” a slender angelic figurine with a lamb wrapped around her neck, sprigs of nature in small glass jars, some Wedgwood China family heirlooms from my paternal grandmother, and a simple sign reminding us all to “Believe there is good in the world.”

My hope is that the positive energy emanating from our kitchen might shine through the walls and give others permission to choose peace. As our Christmas card proclaimed, “Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with we.” We the people. All the people.

