Why Am I The Only One Eating The Cake?

Melissa Gould
Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2022


A mint green frosted cake with rainbow sprinkles on a cake stand with ribbons underneath

Some friends and I celebrated my birthday recently. This included a light spread of some mixed nuts, brie and crackers, wine, champagne, cake… the usual party fare. Three friends abstained from the wine and champagne and opted for a mocktail of cherry juice instead — “It’s supposed to help with sleep!” one proclaimed. Two of the others passed up on even a tiny taste of birthday cake because they’ve “given up sugar.” Another said she’s done eating “anything processed.” The last of the group chimed in that she’s “ditched dairy permanently.”

Huh? I thought. No one is going to eat anything? Isn’t this a party?! Didn’t Julia Child supposedly say, “A party without cake is just a meeting.”

Frankly, I was annoyed. Even my friend who brought the expensive wine, and the friend who brought my favorite cake, chose not to indulge. It was my party and I could’ve cried if I wanted to… but instead, I was the only one who ate the cake… and the cheese… and sipped the champagne. The. Only. One.

Not exactly the party I was hoping for (even if the cake was delicious).

Food occupies a lot of my thinking time. I go to bed dreaming of my coffee the next morning, which mug I might use, whether I’ll froth the milk… I wake up wondering if I want almond-butter toast or oatmeal with dried cranberries for breakfast. As I’m…



Melissa Gould

Author of Widowish, A Memoir, an @Amazon bestseller 🎉 Named a Best Grief Book of All Time🎉 A @goodreads Top Book of 2021 🎉 More at MelissaGouldAuthor.com