
A Letter Delivered in a Dream

The world is more than it seems

Tisha Dee✨
Heart Speak
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2023


I saw a ghost from my past in a dream. His hand was outstretched, beckoning me. A vacuum of silence hung heavy all around. Pulling the air out of me, out of the atmosphere…silence was a deafening sound.

I saw your face. Eyes sunken deep, heavy with burden and pain, and lack of sleep. I became aware that we were in a room. A office, maybe yours I assume?

So close I could touch you. But your face was solemn, and your jaw was set. There was an urgency in words unsaid. A feeling that you’d crossed a line to give me a message before the moment would be forever lost in time.

You pointed to the corner of a desk. A stack of papers piled into a neat little mess. And peeking out from underneath was an envelope with symbols I knew intuitively was meant for me. Symbols designed to hide in plain sight, and I knew who you were worried might find. The kind of message that a soul would defy its owner to deliver in dreams in the midst of night.

Two triangles and a single line. It might as well have been my name, for I knew what it meant as my mind flashed back in time. A conversation we’d had years before, about a similar drawing of my own design.



Tisha Dee✨
Heart Speak

I’m in the middle of reinventing myself, living life full of possibilities and on my own terms. Former corporate executive, turned full-time college student.