A Sanctuary of Calm

No longer bound by anxious dread

Waqas Ahmad
Heart Speak
Jun 13, 2024


Unchained from worry’s grip so tight

Unburdened soul, no anxious strife,
A tranquil mind in rhythms rife.
Melodies flow, without a care,
As wordsmith’s quill dispels despair.

The weight of worry, cast aside,
Like leaves that flutter, carried by tide.
Verse emerges, free and clear,
A symphony of calm, erasing fear.

No trembling hand or knotted brow,
Just flowing prose, a soothing vow.
Words dance upon the page with grace,
Creating peace, a serene embrace.

No longer bound by anxious dread,
The poet’s pen, forever spread.
Unfettered thoughts, a vibrant hue,
In this new realm, where dreams come true.

Now I’m not Anxious, a healing balm,
A sanctuary where souls find calm.
With every line, a sense of ease,
A lyrical escape, a gentle breeze.

