Astrology Signs and Twin Flames

How each sign reacts to a twin flame

Jocelyn Joy Thomas
Heart Speak


Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

Twin flame relationships are heart-centered and soul-connecting. They shift the two partners and create an awakening. How each astrology sign experiences a twin flame relationship will be a little different.

From exuberant Aries to practical Capricorn, how will you and your twin react to this profound union? Check to see not only your Sun signs but your Venus sign as well, the planet of love.


Aries is all in for new relationships. The heart-centered bond will awaken Aries and energize them to forge ahead. Slow down Aries, this is a meaningful commitment and you have to take it in. Aries twin will need to help with pacing them a bit but will enjoy their energized approach to life.


It’s cozy in the love-induced haze of finding one's twin, and Taurus loves cozy. They will go all out to make sure their twin feels extra loved and cared for. Taurus’ earthy quality will shine through in this relationship, making their twin feel protected, cared for, and loved.


Excitable Gemini will have a lot to say to their twin when they meet. Chances are Gem already knows a thing or two about twin flames and will be eager to tell their twin…



Jocelyn Joy Thomas
Heart Speak

Author, spiritual teacher, and intuitive reader. Writing is my passion and purpose. My shop...