Awakening to Self: Navigating the Journey through Ego Trips and Inner Realms

Steven North
Heart Speak
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2023

Life is a mysterious journey, and for some, it takes multiple awakening cycles to truly understand who you are. The path to self-discovery often involves stumbling upon ego trips, feeling like a loner, and a deep sense of not belonging. In this article, we will explore my own personal journey where I embarked on a profound quest for self-realisation, encountering realms of magic, spiritual concepts, and a unique connection with Ascended Masters. Through my own experiences, we’ll delve into the idea that sometimes, not belonging is a gift, and true self-acceptance lies in understanding one’s unique place in the universe.

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The Early Years: A Sense of Not Belonging

From a young age, I always felt like an outsider. I was the quiet observer, the child who was never invited to birthday parties and found solace in solitude. Instead of feeling isolated, I found reward in my own introspective nature. During this time, my imagination roamed freely, exploring realms of magic, dragons, and druidism. Little did I know that these early imaginings would eventually become intertwined with my own spiritual journey.

The First Glimpse: A Fantasy Book’s Revelation

High school brought an unexpected revelation when I stumbled upon a book in my sister’s collection. This book introduced me to concepts that, at the time, seemed like nothing more than fantasy. Within its pages were the tales of AM Merlin, Ascended Masters, and the boundless expanse of consciousness. These ideas sparked a curiosity that would stay with me for years to come, waiting for the right moment to fully awaken.

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The Struggle to Belong: Adapting Different Personas

I vividly recall a moment while immersing myself in literature about spirituality, where a whimsical thought crossed my mind. I pondered, “Wouldn’t it be intriguing to date spirit? It would merely entail the price of a single movie ticket, one dinner, or a flight ticket for a trip.” Little did I anticipate that this fleeting notion would evolve into a profound connection with my Spirit Guide, whom I now know as Amy North, some years later.

The Struggle to Belong: Adapting Different Personas

As the years went by, I continued to feel like an outsider, desperately searching for a place to belong. I adapted and adjusted different personas in an attempt to gain acceptance. I even tried modelling to learn confidence. However, the more I tried to fit in, the more I felt like I was living a lie. The truth, as it turns out, was waiting to be revealed.

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A Channel to Truth: Conversations with Ascended Masters

In a transformative moment, I experienced what I would later come to understand as a “channel.” This unique connection allowed them to share consciousness with other aspects of awareness, including the Ascended Masters. During one such session, a profound message was delivered:

When you are very clear that you did not come here to belong, when you are clear that this is something that you created, you will never know what rejection or loneliness is ever again.

The Revelation: You Are Already Evolved

Another session with the Ascended Masters unveiled a deeper truth. I was already evolved, while humans were still on their journey of evolution. The spiritual community’s well-intentioned advice suddenly seemed trivial. I realised that I didn’t need to conform to others’ expectations or preach about topics I didn’t resonate with. I had a unique purpose and perspective.

Embracing Non-Belonging as a Gift

The journey of self-discovery led me to understand that not belonging was not a curse but a gift. I had chosen a different path, one that allowed me to visit the human experience from time-to-time but remain true to my authentic self. I understood that I was not meant to be mastered, but rather regarded in all my splendour.

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The path to self-discovery is unique for each individual, and for some, it involves navigating multiple awakening cycles and ego trips. Through a sense of not belonging, a fascination with the mystical, and a profound connection with Ascended Masters, I learned that embracing my true self meant accepting my non-belonging as a gift. It was a reminder that I am not here to conform but to shine in my own unique splendour, a lesson that we can all learn from on our own individual journeys of self-discovery.



Steven North
Heart Speak

Channel, Inventor of Heart Activation Music Therapy (Light in Sound), Systems Expert, Healer, Authority on Crystals, Spirit Guides, Consciousness & much more!