Be Like Water

Flow with Feeling

Ashley Heacock
Heart Speak
2 min readNov 1, 2023


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Be like water.

Be neutral in your mind.

Colorless, odorless, tasteless ~ able to hold All with non-judgmental Acceptance and Love.

But Flow with Feeling.

Express your Heart in all its Compassion, Truth, and Love!

The softest touch can

Wear the hardest stone.

Speaking your opinion from your egoic, separated mind, will lead you to experience pain and separation because another egoic separated mind will have another ego, separated opinion.

If you express from your Unconditionally Loving Heart, you will experience Connection with The Whole, and will receive a Warm and Welcoming Embrace.


Because you have shared a deep Truth that Resonates with the Hearts of All.

The world doesn’t need more people with more opinions.

We need more people who can Hear their Hearts, and share how they Feel.

This is scary for most people because it can involve a vulnerability we are afraid to face.

That’s why we start with Silence and Listening, so we can hear the subtle gentle waves of Love caressing our tender Hearts.

We can then share from this neutral, compassionate space.

Then people may listen.

Not because we’re right,

But because we’re Loving.

-Ashley Heacock



Ashley Heacock
Heart Speak

Poet, Energy Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Philosopher ~ Here to express Love from The HeartWomb <3