Be Still in Silence

Adil Alam
Heart Speak
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2023

Be still in silence. Let your words fly by. Find composure and calmness. Quieten the world around you and seek the world within.

Be free. Go fly. Soar high.

Be still. Look within. Manifest your reality.

There is darkness, and so a whiff of light to balance it. Just go deeper. There has to be. There is order in this world. A contrast for every opposite. Strength and weakness. Good and evil. Sin and virtue. Light and dark. Heaven and Earth. Paradise and hell. Mind and heart. Intellect and emotions. Water and fire. Ground and sky. Man and wild. Creation and destruction. Yin and yang. There must be light, like a shining pearl hidden in the caverns of the engulfed ocean.

Yes, there is a balance, such as Nizam-i-alam.

Fetter your lips so your thoughts can run free. Stop glancing so you can gaze into eternity. Don’t seek to receive but only to give, such is the order of alms, for gifts are reserved only for the bountiful givers, and judgments are reserved only for the avaricious takers.

Look at the bird and be one with its flight. Look at the fish and swim in the ocean’s depth. Look at the lion and be a primal predator. Look at the deer and be nature’s symbol. Look at the trees and see life unfold. Look at the graves and see the transition to the afterworld. Look at yourself and see who you truly are. Look at the world and see it for what it is.

A place of destruction and chaos but a place of compassion and nurture. There exists greed for the miserly, but charity to purify. There exists oppression of the tyrant, but justice of the rightful ruler. There exist peacekeepers amidst anger and berserkers in a war. Warriors to fight and scholars to enlighten. Ignorance for the seekers and wisdom for the sought.

Each one serves their role, wanting or not, and each shall be tested by the Mighty Pen of God. No man shall pass, nay, not even the disbeliever, without suffering the ordeal of fate and the weaved tapestry of destiny.

It may not make sense, and most days it won’t, but your suffering has served a greater cause.

It will feel deserved, and most likely it is not, but your happiness will have caused pain to another.

Do not forget, that suffering is a purpose, in the reward is a purpose, and in that pain is a purpose.

Write to materialize your musings. Act to signify your beliefs. Worship to reinforce your faith. Learn to dispel ignorance. Cover to uphold modesty. Speak to form a connection. Converse to befriend each other. Grow beyond the digital realm and be human.

Enter the fray with a blazing torch. You will find much to distress you. That is your true self. An amalgam of love, hatred, ignorance, wisdom, sin, and virtue.

You will find much that terrifies you. Those are the milestones in your journey. You must conquer them.

You will find much that makes you happy. Those are the gifts bequeathed unto you by your Creator. You must use them.

Be still in silence, and let yourself find you, the words will follow.

-Adil Alam

I’ve been reading up on my Kahlil Gibran collection. One cannot help but contemplate and muse soulfully when reading an acclaimed classical writer like him. What you see before is the result.



Adil Alam
Heart Speak

Spreading Verbal Foliage 🌿 Editor of The Writer's Block Publication✒️; Freelance Writer and Editor on Upwork🖊️.