Poetry | Humor | Food

Dancing Through Kitchen Chaos

New year’s misadventures

Sam Letterwood
Heart Speak


Kitchen fun
Photo by Tangerine Newt on Unsplash

The kitchen of dreams on New Year’s Day,
I set out to conquer, to cook, to slay.
Recipes unfolded, like scrolls of lore,
In my pot, magic simmered, and then some more.

With apron donned and spatula in hand,
I aimed for gourmet, a culinary wonderland.
But reality chuckled, it had other plans,
As my chopping skills danced like drunken clans.

The recipe spoke of grace and finesse,
But my onions cried, creating a mess.
In a world where soufflés soar like eagles,
I found my kitchen in chaotic upheavals.

The oven, a dragon with a fiery breath,
Reduced my cookies to a state of near-death.
Yet, undeterred, I wore my chef’s hat,
In a comedy of errors, I was the diplomat.

The pan sizzled with overzealous delight,
As my attempt at risotto took an interesting flight.
Burnt offerings to the kitchen gods, I presented,
Yet, in my heart, culinary dreams persisted.

In a quest for perfection, my spatula did duel,
With pots and pans, in a symphony of misrule.
But amidst the chaos, a revelation did gleam,
Cooking perfection is but a fanciful dream.

To the kitchen, the laughter, the strife,
To culinary adventures, sometimes sans knife.
In the potpourri of flavors, both sweet and tart,
I found the true essence of a homemade heart.

© Sam Letterwood 2024. All Rights Reserved.



Sam Letterwood
Heart Speak

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner