Discover Your Unique Mastery Within Larger Community

A channeled message from Ascended Master Lady Nada

Reyna Park
Heart Speak
4 min readSep 26, 2024


(Reyna Park ‘24)

It is a rainy evening and the sound against my roof is calming. As I am traveling the next morning, I’m preoccupied with cleaning my space, moving furniture, and dusting. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a ripple in spacetime fabric that indicates there is a spirit here with me.

The room is flooded with a high vibrational feeling. In an instant I know not to be afraid of this presence, it is loving and calming. Excited, I grab my pendulum, sit down, and scoop my legs onto the couch.

I breathe in and out allowing my body to still and consciousness to rise. I reach out telepathically to see who my guest is. My guest is the Ascended Master Lady Nada — and she has a message to share.

Hello, my friends! I stand beside you. You are afraid, but you are not alone. Each of you holds skills that can help the other. What are you seeking? Can you find this quality in a friend? Can you observe how they approach your same difficulty and learn from their unique perspective?

In isolation, you are less powerful. Each of you holds a key, a special skill that brings you joy and wonder to practice. A skill that would result in much power, much energy for you and your community if you were to place your intention upon continuing to learn it.

Each of you comes here (to Earth) hoping to gain mastery in a specific area. You will be given many opportunities to work towards this mastery. Your mastery may not be in a specific trade, but in a certain attitude or quality of being. You may be asked to step further into your truth by assuming roles that are uncomfortable to you (as is the case of our channel, Reyna).

How will you identify your truth? You will know truth because it is the message that endures for you after a challenging experience. Truth is not something that you create, but something that you meet.

Your truth hopes to meet you. It hopes to meet you each day. Following your mastery will lead you to truth.

Look towards each other for greater truth. When you do not understand something, look to another. Seek to look to each other more and more. Share laughter together.

Part of your mastery now is to connect with each other. Do this freely. You do not need to stay connected with everyone that you meet. Support each other as is necessary in the moment.

This can be small. Does someone need a hand putting groceries in their car? Does someone look frustrated, can you ask if they are feeling okay?

Our channel Reyna has wondered about boundaries. I would be happy to talk with you about this! There will be some who are more oriented to helping others than to helping themselves. For these people, balance will be necessary, but neither is censorship required. Understand your own energy levels. What you give to others from a full battery compounds and returns to you. What you give to others from an empty battery creates a deficit.

It is suffering that keeps you from each other, but each of you suffer without the other’s pure and honest truth. Suffering is the commonality of the human experience.

You are each given a tool to transcend your suffering, this is your mastery.

With love,

Lady Nada

What do you think? I understand that each of us carries a unique skill or perspective that is invaluable to the others. As we polish this skill and show it off, we are able to collectively support each other. One of my skills that comes easily is speaking Spanish. One of my skills that is harder for me to develop is leadership, and I am learning this, just as Lady Nada mentioned. What is one of your unique perspectives or skills? What comes easily to you and what are you polishing?



Do you like my work? Let’s stay in touch! Follow me at Reyna Park.

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