Each Letter of Your Word Is My Life


Waqas Ahmad
Heart Speak
3 min readAug 19, 2024


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Each letter of your word
is my life,
an alphabet of memories
that spell out who I am,
who I’ve become,
and who I might yet be.
In every curve,
in every line,
I find a fragment of myself,
a piece of the puzzle
that forms the whole.

echoes of the past
ring in the vowels,
a reminder of voices
that once shaped me,
of lessons learned
and mistakes made.
I hear them still,
in the quiet moments,
guiding me forward
with a whisper,
or pulling me back
with a sigh.

aspirations hidden
in the consonants,
each one a step
on the ladder of my dreams,
reaching higher,
straining for the sky.
But in the spaces between,
I find the pauses,
the hesitations,
the times when doubt
held me down,
when fear made me forget
how to climb.

confessions in the syllables,
unspoken truths
that lie beneath the surface,
buried deep
but never gone.
They rise like bubbles
to the top,
each one a secret
I keep even from myself,
waiting for the moment
when I can no longer
hold my breath.

hopes and heartaches
woven into the fabric
of every word,
a tapestry of joy and pain,
of love found
and love lost.
I trace the threads
with my fingers,
feeling the texture
of the life I’ve lived,
the rough and the smooth,
the frayed edges
and the strong,
unbreakable strands.

love in the letters,
not just a word,
but a world.
It’s in the way they fit together,
forming meanings
that go beyond sound,
beyond speech,
into the realm of the heart.
Each letter a touch,
a glance,
a promise,
a memory of what was,
and what could be again.

intersections of paths
crossing in the sentences,
the choices that led me here,
to this moment,
to this place.
I look back and see
the roads not taken,
the words not spoken,
but also the ones
that brought me joy,
that opened doors
and built bridges
to the future.

faith in the phrases,
belief in the power
of what can be written,
of what can be said.
I hold on to them,
these words,
these letters,
as if they are the only thing
that keeps me afloat,
that keeps me grounded
in a world that is

each letter of your word
is my life,
a story that is still unfolding,
a journey that is far from over.
I read it in the moments
of silence,
in the spaces between breath,
and I know
that every letter,
every word,
is a step toward
who I am meant to be.

This poem reflects on how each letter in a word can symbolise different aspects of life — memories, aspirations, confessions, love, and the paths taken. It weaves together the significance of each letter as part of the larger narrative of existence.

