“Embracing the Constants: Endings and Beginnings”

Heart Speak
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2024
Photo by Marco Bianchetti on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/two-wooden-dummy-hugging-figures-vzFTmxTl0DQ?utm_content=creditShareLink&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash

When things end,

When your friends leave through the door or drop you off at your home, the night falls short. From a chaotic, loud place of laughter, love, and smiles, a moment of silence follows after saying goodbye.

When things end,

When you return home from a trip far away, the house greets you with a familiarity of your own, and you begin to unpack the suitcase. Only then do you realize that the moments you just had are now memories of a lifetime.

When things end,

On the way to the airport, with departing words and a heavy heart, your eyes are blurred with tears. Hugging your kids goodbye, right now they fit in your arms, until the next time when they outgrow your size.

When things end,

On a random Tuesday, at 11:55, you finish your final exam. Only to realize there won’t be any exams now, not even a class tomorrow, nor will you meet at your everyday canteen spot. This was the end of an era, which you were certain would go on forever.

When things end,

The rain stopped pouring, the sky got clear, and the birds came out of their hiding. The fast routine was resumed. The rain allowed you to pause without a pang of guilt. The flowers, trees, and plants have taken the shower. The peaceful moments were now over.

When things end,

A relationship that never even began, but the hope for it comes to an end. A friendship that was never meant to drift, but no more calls or texts as often as they used to exist. A stranger that was meant to be much more, but the timings weren’t right, so the door was closed.

When things end,

Don’t be upset. I know it is hard to explain the aching pain. But, my friend, every beautiful thing begins so that it can find its peaceful end. And sometimes, there aren’t such happy endings, but that is alright. Always remember that after every ending, a new beginning takes its place to be born. The promise of life, this cycle will go on.



Heart Speak

Educationist, writer, amateur artist and forever a reader.