Eyes Full of Tears Can Make Your Heart Overflow With Cheers

Discover the Transformative Power of Crying for Emotional Healing and Resilience

Mohit Bharati
Heart Speak
3 min readDec 9, 2023


Credits: Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Our very first experience as we are born is that we cry.
Human bodies are designed perfectly. There is a reason for every process that takes place in our bodies.

When we were little children, we were in perfect harmony. We communicated our needs and our emotions to perfection.
As we grow up, we learn to mask our feelings and suppress them within, fearing that we will be judged for showing our emotions.

But is it healthy?

If yes, then to what extent?

In some settings, we may be perceived as weak if we express our emotions.
But leaving those situations aside, what if someone gets habitual to suppressing their emotions?

The pain one feels inside does not magically vanish if we suppress it. When we numb ourselves to our feelings, our lives become empty and void of joy and aliveness. Too many people commit suicide not just because of what they are going through but also because they keep bottling up their emotions to the point when they see no hope.

What if we vent our emotions as and when they get overwhelming?

How much happier can we be if we choose to let it all out instead of letting it all in?

Tears are God’s gift to us. They are the river of our lives. When they flow, they take away the aridness of our pain and make the lands of our hearts cultivate the crop of joy and happiness.

Scientifically speaking, we feel much better after crying because emotional tears contain various hormones that cause stress. So, when tears drop, we eliminate those stress hormones from our bodies, making us feel much lighter.

Crying also leads to the release of endorphins and other feel-good neurotransmitters in our bodies. By crying, we let our bodies self-regulate. It is such a beautiful process. We are inevitably filled with hope and happiness every time our eyes shed tears.

It is a very intimate act when we cry with someone. When we are vulnerable and open up to someone, it develops a cohesive bond with them. This is the antidote to loneliness. Life is much more beautiful when we have a shoulder to lean on. All we need to do is to break the walls of resistance and let the magic happen. We might be scared of what they would say, but more often than not, we are likely to be surprised to know how warm and helpful people are. That is why we are called human beings, right?

If you have something to get off your chest and have some things to say that you have never had the courage to, now is the time. Take this article as a reminder to let all those feelings out, if possible, talk to a friend right now. It is never too late.

After the rain comes the sunshine, many successful people experience a turning point when they hit rock bottom. One can only make it a turning point if they feel a strong emotion that enough is enough. And this emotion can only come if we allow ourselves to feel those feelings and not run away from them.

So, I strongly urge you to express your feelings in a safe and loving space when you are overwhelmed with emotions. I hope you find this article helpful.

May peace be unto you.

Thank you for reading. I love you :)



Mohit Bharati
Heart Speak

Self-Pleasure Advocate. I am deeply passionate about healing, love and biblical metaphysics. You will get 100% raw, authentic and no-filter writings from me