Fear Progression

Free Verse

Waqas Ahmad
Heart Speak
2 min readJul 10, 2024


Photo by John Noonan on Unsplash

In the beginning, just a whisper,
A shadow lurking at the edge of thought,
Barely noticed, easily dismissed,
A flicker in the corner of the eye.

It grows, a seedling in fertile soil,
Fed by doubts and what-ifs,
Roots spreading, taking hold,
In the quiet moments, it whispers louder.

Heartbeat quickens, breath shallow,
The mind a playground for shadows,
Imagination fuels the fire,
Every creak, every rustle, amplified.

Eyes wide in the dark,
Walls closing in, the room smaller,
Monsters in the closet,
Phantoms in the hallway.

Rational thoughts retreat,
Logic succumbs to emotion,
A spiral, tight and unyielding,
Descending into the abyss.

Hands tremble, voice shakes,
Frozen in place, unable to move,
Paralyzed by the unseen,
A prisoner of the mind.

But then, a spark of light,
A flicker of reason, a glimmer of hope,
Challenging the shadows,
Reclaiming lost ground.

Step by step, breath by breath,
Fear begins to recede,
A battle hard-fought,
Victory in every heartbeat.

In the end, fear is but a memory,
A lesson learned, a story told,
Strength found in vulnerability,
Courage born from the darkness.

This poem describes the progression of fear, detailing how it starts as a subtle, almost imperceptible presence and grows into an overwhelming force. It begins as a minor doubt or worry, something easily ignored, but as time passes, it intensifies, fed by uncertainties and anxieties.

The physical symptoms of fear manifest — quickened heartbeat, shallow breath, and heightened senses. The imagination takes over, transforming ordinary sounds and sights into sources of terror.

As fear deepens, it creates a sense of confinement and paralysis, trapping the individual in their own mind. The rational mind is overtaken by irrational fears, leading to a feeling of being overwhelmed and powerless.

However, the poem also illustrates the gradual emergence from this state. A spark of reason and hope ignites, allowing the individual to slowly reclaim control. Through courage and determination, they confront and overcome their fear, finding strength and resilience. In the end, fear is depicted as a conquered adversary, leaving behind lessons and newfound courage.

