Gang of Ultimate Liars


Waqas Ahmad
Heart Speak
1 min readAug 5, 2024


Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

They gather in shadows,
a silent symphony of deceit,
whispering tales spun from threads
of shattered truths and broken promises.

Each word a dagger,
carving lines in the fabric of reality,
etching doubts into the minds
of those who dared to trust.

Eyes that glimmer with the sheen
of practiced sincerity,
smiles that curl like the edges
of a well-worn map, leading nowhere.

In their kingdom of illusions,
honesty is a relic,
buried beneath the weight
of convenient fictions
and expedient lies.

Promises made with fingers crossed,
contracts signed in invisible ink,
they build their empire on the sands
of shifting truths,
an edifice of smoke and mirrors.

And yet,
in the midst of their grand performance,
a single, unspoken truth remains:
the ultimate lie is not the one they tell,
but the one they live.

A charade of integrity,
a masquerade of virtue,
where every gesture, every phrase,
is a carefully crafted mirage,
designed to deceive.

So beware the gang of ultimate liars,
for their greatest trick
is convincing you
that their truth is yours,
until you no longer recognise
your own reflection
in the mirror of their lies.

