Hang Gliding

A soaring experience

John Whye
Heart Speak


Photo by Andrii Denysenko on Unsplash

I have always been fascinated by hang gliding and the brave men and women who are hang gliders. I watch them soar and sail overhead, wafted about by the winds, riding the air currents like birds as they bank and swoop far overhead, their bodies extended in a flying position.

Their wings spread out above them, their feet tucked into a harness, and they fly out over the ocean or glide over the beach or the land below until they decide to guide themselves reluctantly back to earth. If the thermal currents are right, they can stay up for hours.

I have talked with many hang gliders and they all say it is such a peaceful, quiet feeling up there, such a totally different perspective than being earthbound. I will admit it, I have a fear of heights, like many people. This is an understatement in my case, I am just a big chicken at the thought of flying in these flimsy-looking devices!

They look so fragile and have no motor or mechanical means of support, I don’t know how they ever thought up this sport, the thought of being air bound like that terrifies me! And yet, it is so beautiful to just watch them!

The concept of flying like a bird has been with humans for eons. If you go back to Greek mythology, you can find and read about the legend of Icarus. He was a mortal man who aspired to…



John Whye
Heart Speak

2x Top writer, Illumination writer, retired hippie blogger, music lover, songwriter, and sports fan. A lifelong Pisces.