Let God, let go

Vinia Majaba
Heart Speak
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2023


A pearl of wisdom from Grandma

Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash

Grandma’s timeless wisdom resonates deeply within me, even a quarter-century after her passing. Her love and guidance remain a powerful, steadfast presence. True serenity emerges when we release control, knowing we’ve fulfilled our roles. Our reactions to what unfold matter most. How we navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and adapt to unforeseen circumstances will shape our destinies.

Let God, let go — embrace life’s unpredictability, inspiring resolute action, nurturing faith, and willingly relinquishing authority. Amid life’s twists and trials, this phrase fuels my resilience. I confront difficulties with unwavering faith and a strong spirit, emerging invigorated and more enlightened.

Throughout my journey, Grandma’s counsel remains a wellspring of courage and grace, a beacon of strength through life’s turbulent waters, and a constant reminder to trust in the wisdom of surrender. The legacy of Grandma’s wisdom shall eternally light my path.

