Magic of Miracles

Heart Speak
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2024
Photo by Issara Willenskomer on Unsplash

Miracles, I find them amusing, you see.

Eight billion people, all craving the same thing, hoping they might be the chosen one today. They will be lucky to see the shooting star, that limitless, rare possibility might occur. Yet the miracles that happen are so rare, occurring in centuries or decades. We hopefully, often wish that today a miracle for us takes place.

Miracles, I hold on to them for days

One day, when we feel hopeless and not brave enough to live a certain way. We hear about the couple who got the unexpected news, the sick patient who got as healthy as the moon, and the one who thought they lost it all, who gets the phone call that they have been saved. When you hear these stories, news, and blogs, you can’t help but wonder if I could be that too, maybe someday soon?

Miracles, I believe, happen every day.

Not in the extraordinary way that we see in movies and books, but in the mundane reality of our daily hooks and crooks. How we manage to find the simple and good, even during the days that leave our minds in dispute. How a simple breezy walk with a friend can heal and mend parts of ourselves. How a stranger’s smile can do us so much good.

Miracles, I wish for them often these days.

Where everything magically, simply, happily, calmly, sweetly, steadily, miraculously, in this brisk manner works out for me. A place where the past is forgotten, where the present feels like spring. Just like a flower ready to bloom, the future is like a clear sky, where the only view is the limitless possibility of all things good.



Heart Speak

Educationist, writer, amateur artist and forever a reader.