Trauma and Healing

The First Stage of Healing is Inflammation.

Hard to bear, yet necessary for a better, happier, healthier tomorrow.

Jade Zulfiqar
Heart Speak
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2023


The pain, the endurance, the trauma, and the healing work to raise the phoenix within you. [AI-generated image by Jade Zulfiqar]

Yesterday, as I flipped through the pages of my humongous ‘Principles of Anatomy & Physiology’ which I commonly refer to as ‘Tortora,’ my gaze became fixated on this particular sentence: ‘The first stage of healing is inflammation.’
Being a healthcare professional, this sentence is as familiar to me as my own name. However, this time, it struck me in a different way.

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For those unfamiliar with inflammation, it is your body’s immediate response to either an external or internal injury/trauma, manifested through:

  1. Redness
  2. Swelling
  3. Heat
  4. Pain

Certainly uncomfortable, isn’t it?

Yet, going through the process of ‘inflammation’ is necessary for your injury to heal. Your open, bleeding wound will soon transform into a scar. It might become ‘itchy,’ leading you to scratch it, opening the wound anew for the healing process to begin from scratch as well. But after a few cycles, you will come to understand that the…

