The Girl Who Carried Her World

Heart Speak
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2024
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

Today I will tell you a story about a girl who carries a world of her own wherever she chooses to go. She tends to walk as if the world were her ramp.

She has big brown eyes that meet eye-to-eye with everyone she meets. She will greet, laugh, and compliment with all her means.

She will also shuffle, shamble, stumble, and waddle in how she walks and talks, but always with the best intentions. So even those mistakes become endearing in every way.

Her voice will be the loudest in the room, but her words are always about the beauty of the sun and the moon. She has a way of speaking without a filter.

She is a strange young girl who will vent to a stranger about the funny-looking bee that came into her room. A girl such as her carries her heart too bravely on her sleeve.

She will smell the flowers as she walks, smile at a friend as she talks, and always have extra energy to spread around.

She doesn’t make friends based on traits; she makes friends based on the smallest interactions that take place. How does she manage to befriend everyone and anyone? That is my curious take.

Seven years later, I will wonder: Was this girl simply naïve or too open-hearted for this world? Or was the world more forgiving then?

This strange girl has grown to be a stranger in her ways. A year, a day, a moment can do a lot to a person. What did these seven years do to this girl, do you wonder in any way?

Sometimes it’s the people around you that change you with mockery and betrayal; sometimes it’s the age, where expectations and conformity occur. And sometimes it’s a test from life — of patience, reliance, and time.

She walks as if the world were a dark forest at night, the wolves around her can catch her and are ready to bite.

She has dull brown eyes, that do not meet eye to eye, she keeps her gaze low and walks by silently and quietly like whispers of the wind flow.

Her voice is now not heard by many as once it was, she prefers to stay quiet and invisible like a white ghost. She knows much more about the sun, moon, stars, flowers, and the world’s power.

But now, she speaks like a filter, scanning and skimming her words into a strainer. She is a strange young girl unwilling to trust the world. A girl such as her, carries her heart in a basket you see, too scared to be true to her feelings.

She still has friends, some close to her home and heart, but now she doesn’t tell anyone about her day; she prefers to stay somewhere far away.

People around her thought they knew her best. Now they have sneaky eyes, harsh words, and pitying smiles. “Look at her, she has changed.” “Oh, the poor girl, I wonder what happened?”

And yet, no one asks, “I hope she is okay,” or “I know she is doing the best she can.”

To her, it feels as if everyone has a chance to change but her. She is dangerously daring and can speak back, but some habits don’t change, so she manages a weak smile and goes by her day.

She too misses her silly self these days, reflecting on how strange she once was. But that girl from seven years back could not have survived this societal mess.

Sometimes you change on your own, or life molds you into a different person. But I wish we didn’t have to change the gems that light up our souls.

So this girl, even though she has changed, still strives to reconnect with her former self — a better, happier, and healthier version who can survive this combat.

As she moves forward, she holds onto the hope that one day, she will laugh freely again, greet strangers with her unfiltered stories, and walk with the same confident stride she once had.

It is because the young girl that she once was, was the best part of her that made her different, vibrant, and alive.

And when that day comes, she will be a blend of her past and present — a girl who has seen the darkness but still believes in the beauty of the sun and the moon.



Heart Speak

Educationist, writer, amateur artist and forever a reader.