The Glow Method

Sharing an effective meditation

Reyna Park
Heart Speak


(Reyna Park 24)

Divinity. It is nourishing, it is life-giving. It is vitality and endless energy. It is always available.

We have access to divinity.

Divinity access feels like a peaceful feeling emanating from the chest. This is the same place where we feel deep breathing and love; physically, it feels like glowing.

Thus I call the physical sensation of divinity glow.

I remember the first time I ever felt glow in full force. It felt like my chest was radiating a bright light. I looked in the mirror and turned a 360 degree circle, convinced that something was changing physically. I felt more energized than I ever had before, but I didn’t look any different! I knew it was divine intervention. I was having a spiritual awakening, and I felt amazing.

My spiritual awakening felt like an amazing glow in my chest.

The location of glow is different for every person; it is an energy fixture, not a physical fixture, but glow will generally be located in the chest and mid-back. This is the location of the Solar Plexus and Higher Heart chakras.

Know in your heart that you are always connected to Source through this energy fixture that we call glow.

