The Warmth of Love Can Melt Even The Coldest of Hearts

Open Your Heart So Wide That It Heals Deepest of Wounds

Mohit Bharati
Heart Speak
2 min readDec 15, 2023


Picture credits: Fizkes from Getty Images Pro

Solace is what we all long for in times of emotional turmoil.
When our heart aches, there is only one medicine that soothes us.
It is love.

Love is so powerful that it transcends all our sufferings.
But what happens if we are starved for what we want the most?

The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
- Mother Teresa

Early on in life, if we are made to feel unwanted, unloved, abandoned, or abused, then we resort to ways that we best know that make us feel loved and accepted.

Some people bully others to feel good about themselves.
Some become attention-seekers to fill the void within.
Some turn to food, alcohol, or drugs to escape their feelings.
Some stay in toxic relationships due to their low self-worth.
Some even resort to violence to satiate their ego.

Is there any single person that will benefit from any of such patterns?

It is a myth that time heals all wounds.
Whether we like it or not, trauma is eternally etched in our consciousness until we make a conscious effort to heal our hurts. Trauma changes who we are, and forgetting the past is not a solution.

If we want to experience solace, then we must open our hearts so wide that it dissolves even the hardest of imprints.

It is possible. All it takes is genuine willingness.

Willingness to be compassionate towards yourself and others.
Willingness to release the inner critic.
Willingness to accept ourselves and others just as we are.
Willingness to forgive and let go.

Our lives will never be the same once we heal ourselves. The love we will feel inside will flow out of us in a way that it heals others as well.

It does not matter how many decades a room has been in the dark, all it takes is one instant of Sunshine to lit up the room with joy.

Let today be that day when you open your heart to the warmth of love. Resolve today to heal your wounds. It is never too late. You can overcome your trauma and create an exceptional life for yourself. A life that you are proud of living.

May peace and love be unto you.

Thank you for reading. I love you :)



Mohit Bharati
Heart Speak

Self-Pleasure Advocate. I am deeply passionate about healing, love and biblical metaphysics. You will get 100% raw, authentic and no-filter writings from me