
The blue print of a seed.

Khaili McMorris
Heart Speak
3 min readAug 18, 2023


The process of discovering who we really are is fascinating. While on one hand it’s exploring and experimenting with our own gifts, abilities, and talents it’s equally about learning to let go of who we are not.

False personas and identities we have assumed over time that are so close to us. We believe they must be a part of us. Like leeches they suck blood and energy giving little in return, but they’ve been with us so long we’ve become used to them, and often even fail to question whether they should be there or not.

As I’ve been spending a little time outside lately, planting seeds as we prepare for a harvest of delicious home-grown organic veggies, I’ve been thinking about how everything a seed becomes is already on the inside.

Its blueprint, its DNA if you will, everything that it will become already exists and lives on the inside of that tiny little seed.

What if discovering who we are is less to do with what goes on around us and more to do with what is already on the inside of us?

So I’ve been looking inward; peeling back the layers so to speak. One layer was that for the longest time, I would identify myself as an actress, who also writes.

It wasn’t until I was willing to lay down what I thought was all I was, that I could discover the truth about a vast part of who I am. I’ve learned that writing is not just something I do but is truly a part of who I am.

Looking even deeper, I could say this: I am a creative being who expresses that creativity through writing, acting, music, and other diverse expressions. I do not need to identify and feel trapped and pinned into one area of expression. For a long time, however, I did.

Mankind loves to create categories and neat little boxes for us to all fit into — the problem is, we were never meant to fit inside a neat little box.

So often we lose our identity to a label. A job, a title, an occupation, a dream; believing who we are is what we do. It is a journey, and truthfully, I’m nowhere near finished.

I think being able to see ourselves in layers is so important. Sadly, there are good layers along with bad ones. Mistakes, failures, and shortcomings can become our (false) identities too. We can just as easily begin to categorize ourselves by all the things we are not, or all the things we’ve become disqualified from.

Transformation is a life work. It is an internal journey we each go on and just like the isolation during a pandemic, it can easily feel like we are going through it alone.

We are not alone, and we all deal with these internal realities. But — No, you are not alone! Self-isolation can be used as self-transformation if we allow ourselves the time to learn, reflect, peel back the layers, and accept being okay with being “me”!



Khaili McMorris
Heart Speak

Artist. Writer. Wife, homeschooling mumma.... and BIG dreamer :)