Unforgettable Companions: The Canine Chronicles of My Life

Dogs, those loyal and loving creatures, have always held a special place in my heart.

Steven North
Heart Speak
4 min readNov 14, 2023


Throughout my life, I’ve had the privilege of sharing my journey with a series of remarkable canine companions, each leaving an indelible mark on my heart and life. In this article, I want to take you on a journey through their unique personalities, antics, and the profound bond we shared.

My Guardian Angel: The Samoyed

Photo by Sveta Golovina on Unsplash

My first encounter with a four-legged friend was practically simultaneous with my entry into this world. The fluffy, white guardian of my infancy was a Samoyed. She was a patient and gentle presence, even when I, as a toddler, tested her limits by exploring the neighborhood beyond our home. She would often get me into mischief, leading daring escapes from the house and embarking on adventurous escapades down the street.

What set her apart was not just her physical beauty, but her warm and cuddly nature. She was the epitome of a “cuddle bear,” always ready to provide comfort and companionship. The bond we formed was nothing short of magical, and she was my first lesson in the unconditional love and loyalty that dogs offer.

The Enigmatic Boxer: Vinnie

Photo by Meghan Hessler on Unsplash

We welcomed Vinnie, a playful boxer with an enigmatic personality, into our lives after our Samoyed. However, Vinnie’s relationship with our feline companion was rocky. One day, he escaped, and we feared we had lost him for good until fate intervened. The local ranger found him injured after a car accident, missing a toe, revealing Vinnie’s identity. We are forever grateful for Vinnie’s aversion to lawnmowers that saw him lose a toe.

Vinnie’s unexpected return was a relief and a second chance to appreciate his unique quirks. He taught us that dogs, like people, have their own peculiarities and fears. Despite his abrupt departure, Vinnie’s memory remained etched in our hearts.

The Mischievous Gremlin: Socretese

Photo by Joe Cox on Unsplash

Not long after Vinnie’s departure, a new boxer joined our family — Socrates, or “Socsy” for short. Socsy was a character, a mischievous gremlin who had a knack for turning the mundane into moments of hilarity. One of his favorite pastimes was playing soccer, and he had an insatiable appetite for tennis balls and basketballs, which rarely survived his playful onslaught.

Meal times at our dining table often turned into comedy shows, with balls rolling along the table. He had a peculiar game where he expected me to kick the ball out of his mouth, a challenge that never ceased to amuse. Sleeping alone in my bed became a distant memory as Socrates insisted on sharing the space. He was a constant source of joy, reminding us of the boundless energy and enthusiasm dogs bring into our lives.

Double Trouble: Socrates and Sally

Socrates's antics became even more entertaining when we welcomed Sally into our home. With two boxers under one roof, our lives were filled with twice the energy and, well, twice the flatulence. Sally had her own distinct personality; she was the hunter and the farmer in the family.

Our garden featured rock melons, and it didn’t take long for Sally to discover them. Whenever we went to pick a ripe melon, it would mysteriously disappear, thanks to Sally’s stealthy raids. She cared little for soccer or basketballs but had a penchant for fruit, making her culinary escapades all the more entertaining.

Sally | Photo by Steven North

Sally’s last act before departing this world was a testament to her unique character. Diagnosed with leukemia, she came home for one final feast. She managed to steal a rock melon and left a trail of dove remains throughout the house. It was as though she wanted one last indulgence before saying her farewell.

In the grand tapestry of life, dogs have a unique and irreplaceable role. They become not just pets but cherished family members, with their quirks and idiosyncrasies adding richness to our stories. The adventures, the laughter, and the lessons they bring into our lives are priceless.

As I long for a large property where dogs can run free, I am reminded of the unbreakable bond that humans and dogs share. These four-legged friends have left an enduring imprint on my heart, a testament to the profound connection that can exist between us and the most special creatures in our lives.

Socrates and Sally | Photo by Steven North



Steven North
Heart Speak

Channel, Inventor of Heart Activation Music Therapy (Light in Sound), Systems Expert, Healer, Authority on Crystals, Spirit Guides, Consciousness & much more!