
Free verse

Waqas Ahmad
Heart Speak
2 min readJul 6, 2024


In a world of straight lines and narrow paths,
I walk the crooked road,
where colours blend and twist,
and the ordinary turns to magic.

They call me weirdo,
for I dance to music no one else hears,
a symphony of stars and whispers,
a melody only my heart knows.

I see beauty in the broken,
stories in the silence,
and dreams in the daylight,
where others see only shadows.

In my world,
the sky is not the limit,
but a canvas waiting for the brush of wonder,
a place where impossibilities become possible.

Weirdo, they say,
but I wear it like a badge,
a testament to the freedom
of being uniquely, apologetically me.

In the spaces between the norms,
I find my truth,
and in the echoes of my difference,
I discover the boundless expanse of my soul.

This poem describes the journey of someone who embraces their individuality in a world that often values conformity. It celebrates finding beauty and wonder in the unconventional and the unexpected. The “weirdo” is depicted as someone who perceives the world in a unique and vibrant way, appreciating the extraordinary in the mundane. The poem highlights the freedom and authenticity that come with being true to oneself. Ultimately, it is a tribute to the courage of living apologetically and embracing one’s own distinct path.

