Are You Following Your Calling?

How to know what your calling is and how to answer it

Jocelyn Joy Thomas
Heart Speak
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2023


Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash

A calling is akin to a life purpose. It’s something you feel passion for, and do whether you are paid to do it or not. Hopefully both! A calling is something that is easy to follow, if you listen to your heart, the pathway to the soul.

You may have a calling as a teacher, but it doesn't mean the only way you can answer that calling is by teaching in a classroom. Chances are you would be teaching in many, many ways. Anything from teaching your children, friends, and acquaintances and leading by example.

Examples of callings

These are some broad callings and they are only a small number, callings can be varied, you might have more than one. In your lifetime, you likely will. What you are called to do when you are in your twenties may change by the time you are in your forties. However, a calling can also very much last all of your life.

There is no right or wrong way to go about it, as long as you follow your heart you will be answering your calling.








Jocelyn Joy Thomas
Heart Speak

Author, spiritual teacher, and intuitive reader. Writing is my passion and purpose. My shop...