In the remaining months of 2024, I hope you’ll let go of those who aren’t ready to love.

Heart Strings
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2024
Photo by Gabriel Garcia Marengo on Unsplash

It’s the hardest thing you’ll ever have to do but also the most important, is to stop giving love to those who aren’t ready to love you.

Stop having that try-hard conversation with people who aren’t ready to listen. Stop having that conversation with people who also aren’t ready to change. Stop prioritizing people who always make you an option. Stop giving up on all of your initial plans and wait just in case he calls.

I know that probably deep down the instinct is to do whatever you can to earn the good graces of everyone that you can, but is also an impulse that will rob you of your time, sanity and your energy.

When you start changing and showing up to your life wholly and completely, with joy and commitment, just know that not many people will meet you there. It doesn’t mean that you need to change who you are.

It just means that they aren’t ready to love you and you need to stop loving them.

The truth is, you are not for everyone and not everyone is for you. That’s what makes it so special when you do find a few people that you made genuine friendships, relationships or love with because you’ll know how precious it is to experience what it isn’t.

But the longer you spend trying to force someone to love you when they aren’t capable, the longer you’re robbing yourself of that connection. As the literal saying goes: ‘’ There are many fishes in the sea ‘’, so many of them are gonna meet you at the level you’ve always wanted, vibe where you are and connect where you’re going.

And the longer you stay small that is always tucked into the familiarity of the people who always use you as a cushion, a back burner option, and a ploy for their emotional labour, the longer you’ll keep yourself out of the community you’ve been craving and longed for.

Maybe you’ll forget about it all together.

Maybe if you stop trying, the relationship will halt.

Maybe if you stop texting, your phone will be dry and stay as dark for days and weeks.

Maybe if you stop loving someone, he will stop loving you too.

That honestly doesn't mean you’ve ruined a relationship. It only means that you are the only reason why this relationship has been sustaining was the energy you and you alone were putting into it.

That’s not love. That’s an attachment.

Your energy is the most valuable and significant resource you possess. While time is finite, it is your energy that is truly limited. How you choose to spend your energy each day determines what will flourish in your life. The focus of your energy will ultimately shape your existence.

Once you realize this, you’ll see why spending time with the wrong people, in unsuitable jobs, or in places that don’t fit you makes you feel anxious. You’ll recognize that the most crucial thing you can do for yourself and those around you is to guard your energy more diligently than anything else.

Make your life a safe haven in which only genuine people are allowed to care and listen.

Just know that you’re not responsible for saving people or convincing them to be saved.

You are not responsible for constantly being there for others and sacrificing parts of your life for them out of pity, guilt, obligation, or fear of losing their approval.

It’s your job to realize and understand that you control your own destiny and that you are accepting the love you believe you deserve. Choose to believe you are worthy of genuine friendship, true commitment, and wholehearted love with people who are healthy and flourishing.

So, you deserve a love that’s complete and fulfilling. Don’t be afraid to let go to make space for it.

Remember, your heart is precious. Protect it and nurture it, and it will guide you to the love you truly deserve. You’ve got this :)



Heart Strings

An overthinker who probably feels a lot more