Someday, everything is just going to make sense.

Heart Strings
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2024
Photo by Simon Marsault 🇫🇷 on Unsplash

Repeat after me : This too shall pass.

Because honestly, it does. The heartache, the sadness, the disappointment and the pain. It will pass if you give it enough time. Time is something which we sometimes do not allow ourselves. We tend to rush things, not be patient and think we can control the outcome of the situations. Our human nature lacks patience but has an abundance of the desire of wanting to be the one to decide which way everything should flow.

We don’t want to admit it, yet we all crave control and at times refuse to fully accept it. Life is just too unpredictable. Deciding when and how to move forward is indeed something we can take control of, but will never have control over time.

I guess all of us have heard this before. ‘’ The pain and struggle is just temporary’’ even though sometimes it feels like a lifetime. When we are in those dark moments, we can find it difficult to just see beyond the current suffering.

It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to ask for help.

Your pain is valid. It’s alright to embrace the pain because the only way to get over it is if you go through with it. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about how you feel. You shouldn’t be judged by the way you’re hurting. No one can tell you what you should and how you’re feeling.

My wish for you is to understand that life without struggle does not truly exist, no matter how things may seem. We show others what they want to see, the happier version of us, but deep down nobody knows the silent battles you’ve been facing. But please always remember that no matter what circumstances you face and how many trying times you get, the truth remains that you will be okay.

Personal growth comes with struggle, grief and joy. Allow yourself the gift of growth, to be present in each moment as if your last, good or bad. Allow yourself to be here now and I promise you that through it all,

everything will turn out okay and you will be just fine.



Heart Strings

An overthinker who probably feels a lot more