Write For Heart Strings

New writers are welcome! Please read our guidelines carefully. We get a lot of submissions, so we cannot provide feedback if your story doesn’t comply in any way.

Sheila Rose
Heart Strings


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Heart Strings publishes short pieces under the categories of — love, sex, life, poetry, and relationships.

That means your story should fit under Medium tags including life, sex, relationships, self-improvement, psychology, love, advice, and family.

Before you submit please check out the other stories in the publication because these demonstrate our preferred format, flavor, and style.

Please don’t make us reject your work because you haven’t followed the guidelines.


  • Fresh ideas and fresh spins on recognized concepts are welcome!
  • All stories should be 750–1000 words. Stories outside these word counts will not be considered. We don’t have time to read them.
  • AI — Robotic stories will be rejected. Anyone who crosses the AI line repeatedly will be removed from OTC’s list of contributing writers.
  • We prefer to publish under individual names to help us build trust with readers.
  • Your title must have…



Sheila Rose
Heart Strings

I'm passionate about helping individuals reach their full potential and experience the joy of life.