Stalking Your Ex On Social Media

Clair Maison
Heartbreak Glow Up
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2021


Why it’s hard to stop and what you can do about it.

Photo by from Pexels

It would only take a second to type in his username. And then you could stop wondering about what you would find.

It is so tempting to keep stalking your ex on social media after a breakup.

However, it only extends your suffering and delays your recovery.

Why is that?

Love is a chemical addiction. Every time you reach out or look at his social media or pictures, you get a hit of dopamine… followed by another crash.

It also strengthens the pathways in your brain that lead to thoughts of him. During a breakup, you are rewiring your brain not to include this person in your life anymore (or include them differently if you work together or have kids together, etc.)

So, yeah. This is hard. You are not weak, you aren’t crazy and it doesn’t mean that you two were meant to be together. It just means you are fighting an addiction.

Although fighting an addiction is hard, people beat addiction every day.

I saw exactly how powerful this was when my ex and I broke up. It was passionate and deep love, yet we still couldn’t make it work (for reasons I get into other articles).



Clair Maison
Heartbreak Glow Up

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