Two Things Anxiously Attached People Should Do When Dating

Clair Maison
Heartbreak Glow Up
Published in
6 min readJan 15, 2021


It’s simpler than you think.

Young woman holds hand in front of half of her face and makes intense eye contact with the uncovered eye.
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy from Pexels

“If you don’t call me back and at least tell me what’s going on in an hour, my next voicemail will be me breaking up with you.”

It was not my proudest moment. Oh no. Faaaarrr from it.

In my defense, these were abnormal circumstances.

My boyfriend had abruptly and silently taken me back home from a dinner date and deposited me at home.

He ignored my frantic questions about what was wrong. He asked if I’d “be okay”, as I watched him go through puffy, tear-stained eyes from where I lay crumpled on the floor. Then he left.

I was not okay.

So dramatic, I know.

I hope you have no idea what it feels like for your partner to go from fine to gone in a second, with NO explanation.

It sucks. And it’s okay to be a little dramatic if that happens, tbh.

It was devastating. And the experience was how I learned that I have Anxious Attachment tendencies.

If you want to figure out your Attachment Style, pay attention to two points of reference:

