We are on INSTAGRAM!!!

2 min readOct 3, 2021

Follow us on Instagram for daily pictures and videos of our crazy but wonderful life.


Please leave us a comment with your thoughts on our blog, we’d like to know what you think :-)

Many people have expressed an interest in helping us so if you would like to support our project then you can make a one time donation or even support us monthly using Ko-fi. All help is gratefully recieved, we have a lot of money to save to finish paying for the farm and the expenses for the dogs are never ending…Thank you :-) Please click the Ko-fi image below to be taken to our page. If you prefer to use paypal then you can send a donation to chris1212preedy@gmail.com

Click the link above to be taken to our Ko-fi page to make a one time or monthly donation

You can also support us by subscribing to medium using the link below, Medium kindly give us a commission for everyone who signs up. :-)




We are from Wales but moved to Portugal to live a simple life. We rescue animals and live off the grid on a farm. This is our crazy but wonderful life.