Doing well by doing good…

Malcolm Auld
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2018

The unique HeartChain platform is making it easier for individuals to have access to the amazing world of innovative medical technology and be part of bringing ideas to life.

The platform is a hub that hosts a regular stream of high-quality life science projects seeking funding to get their innovations to market. Prior to being accepted to the HeartChain platform, each project is transparently vetted by HeartChain’s global experts, who have specialist skills in areas of medical science, entrepreneurship, marketing and finance.

Every project is supported on the platform by its own ICO. The ICO offers Innovation Product Tokens (IPT) for supporters to buy in order to help the innovation company have the required resources to succeed. Each IPT represents a tokenized version of the future product at the early-stage development cost of the product being developed.

Once the product is launched on the market, the IPT owners can redeem their tokens for the new retail price of the innovation product, normally much higher than the early-stage production cost. The IPT owners also have the option of donating the token back to the innovation company to fund further research.

The benefits to the innovation company are numerous. The funds raised are non-dilutive, so the innovators don’t lose control of their company, like they can with venture capital. The funds are also off balance sheet so are not regarded as an asset or a liability. They are linked to the sale of the innovation product, not to the finances of the company. The innovators can focus 100% of their efforts on research and don’t have to waste time chasing investors or venture capital. They can get their product to market much faster, which benefits their business, the IPT owners and the patients in need of the life-saving products.

So IPT owners are doing well, by doing good for medical research and the health of the community in general.

How to get access to the HeartChain platform

To use the platform and get access to the full pipeline of innovation, individuals and organizations must first become members of HeartChain. Becoming a member is easy — just buy HeartChain tokens (HCT). These are available on the HeartChain website, or on cryptocurrency exchanges. HCT give members special privileges:

· Priority pre-public notice of new Innovation Products promoted on the platform
· Discounts on the price of IPT when bought in advance of the public ICO
· Additional discounts based on the volume of HCT owned

The purpose of the HCT is to provide ongoing funds to manage and operate the platform, while at the same time providing valuable utility to HeartChain members.

Get more detailed information and download the whitepaper at or join the HeartChain Telegram community at

