The world’s first Life Science ICO with multiple ways to redeem value…

Malcolm Auld
3 min readJun 5, 2018


The blockchain and cryptocurrency world is dominated by Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) designed to raise funds for a single business idea — that may or may not succeed. Like any venture, those who buy in at the early stage are looking for a financial gain once the company is operational.

But the HeartChain Corporation is doing things differently. It is one of the first ICOs to provide redemption options through philanthropic and financial alternatives, to those who own its tokens. This is a world-first in the ICO arena. HeartChain is also the first organization to build its business through ongoing ICOs.

A simple business model

HeartChain is a unique blockchain platform that allows individuals and organizations to acquire cryptocurrency tokens in specific ICOs. The ICOs are designed to fund early to late-stage medical and bio-tech research, as well as to recapitalize existing businesses in the life sciences space.

The business model is straight forward. HeartChain is initially conducting its own ICO this northern summer, to release its Tokens (HCT) to the public. The tokens are the the means to participate in an ongoing stream of sponsorships of life science innovations. The HCT owners become members of the HeartChain community and get benefits in every future ICO when each new innovative product is opened for sponsorship.

Experienced team selects innovations

HeartChain is grounded in a secure blockchain platform on which are stored the details of an ever-growing number of early to late-stage research and other projects, each seeking sponsorship. The HeartChain management team is highly experienced at bringing life science products to market profitably. It will work with its professionally qualified medical/specialist advisors to analyse and hand-pick the projects that have the most likelihood of successfully getting to market. The team will also provide management support for the innovation companies owning these projects, to give them the best chance to succeed.

Each project’s development plans will be detailed on the platform and supported by its own ICO, to raise the required research sponsorship. HeartChain members can analyse the products and the business plans before making a decision to become a sponsor of the ICO. Tokens of those companies will be offered within their ICO, as the means of creating the needed resource to finalize the production of these innovative medical devices and drugs. The tokens represent ownership of the innovation products being produced, at current-stage development cost. Members of HeartChain acquire the new tokens of the project company (IPT) on the HeartChain platform, thereby becoming a sponsor.

Multiple benefits for sponsors

When the products come to market members who own the tokens have options:

  • Redeem the product at the going market value
  • Donate the token back to the company

It is worth noting that the nature of the medical technology business, means the product market value is significantly higher than the manufacturing cost that was the determinant factor in pricing the IPT token. At this point it appears HeartChain is the only organization offering such a strong value proposition.

This is a unique business model that exists only as a result of blockchain, smart contracts and cryptocurrency. The HeartChain founders believe it is ground-breaking and a far more efficient way to do good by doing well. It is a true revolution when compared with options involving acquiring tokens in a single ICO to fund a conceptual start-up.

ICO to recapitalize existing business

There is also another side to the HeartChain platform. It won’t just be doing ICOs for products in the early stage of development. Existing companies looking to expand will also use the HeartChain platform and an ICO to gain sponsorship for expansion into new markets or to increase capacity within existing markets.

If you’d like to learn more, there’s a white paper with more information on the website —

