New Feature) Animation

Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2019

A good data visualization makes an impression on audience without verbose explanation. And, few things grab our attention more than motion. Our eyes and mind are naturally drawn to the moving objects.

Introducing HEARTCOUNT’s animation feature! All you do to create an eye-grabbing animation is to choose a variable you want to create animations with using the right-side control pane in SmartPlot page.

  • you can click a gear icon to adjust the play speed.
You can try the above animation yourself using the same dataset(hans rosling dataset) by clicking the link below.TRY IT YOURSELF

How It’s Done

  • Multiple individual plots(static frames) are created using the subset of data.
  • Each subset is created using the variable you choose. In the above case, “Year” variable was used in making subsets of data made up of records for each year.
  • Once played, each plot(frame) is stitched together as animations.

Date/time variable is a natural variable choice for creating animations, however, you can be a bit creative and choose any variable that could deliver compelling story to the audience.

  • the following is animated by “Country” variable.
  • heat-map option is turned on to show areas for high level of density.
  • when X-axis is a categorical variable (instead of numerical variable), you can create a race chart, in which each category competes each other over the course of time.
  • or, compare shipping cost distribution of each market by sub-category

You can freely try this animation feature at

