How I Mastered the Art of Positive Thinking

My journey to a fulfilling life

Duane Michael
Heartfelt Journeys


Neon sign that reads “It’s all in your head
Photo by Miguel Luis on Unsplash

When I was younger, everyone always told me to “focus on the good stuff” or “try to stay positive,” but it wasn’t easy for me.

Dealing with negative thoughts, doubting myself, and seeing the glass half-empty was more my style.

Like a lot of folks, I battled with those feelings for a long time.

But you know what? Over the years, I’ve worked hard and picked up some tricks that really helped turn things around for me.

I want to share my story with you and give you some down to earth tips on how you can get better at looking on the bright side too.

Let’s dive in.

To get good at positive thinking, the first thing you gotta do is understand how powerful our thoughts really are.

See, the stuff we think about can totally change how we feel, what we do, and where we end up in life.

When we’re stuck on negative thoughts, they can make us feel heavy, tired, and stop us from doing awesome stuff.

But when we focus on positive thoughts, they can lift us up, give us ideas, and help us chase after what we really want.



Duane Michael
Heartfelt Journeys

I am a creative visionary and storyteller, weaving my dreams into words. It is my goal that you will enjoy my words. 😊