Even When You Are Lost, Never Lose Faith

You are always in the hands of God.

Poonam Vashist
Heartful Horizons
2 min readFeb 21, 2024


Have you ever felt lost and confused, not sure what to do next?

Even when things seem scary or uncertain, what helps us keep moving is our strong belief in something greater. No matter what challenges come our way, we can trust that we’re always being helped and protected, guiding us toward a better future.

Photo by cottonbro studio

Consider the age of the universe. Do you think everything happened in just one day? No. The Earth formed over millions of years, from a hot ball of rocks and dust. Yet, everything has come together perfectly.

If God can create this beautiful Earth, make flowers bloom on a mere rock, form vast oceans, and bring forth diverse creatures, do you believe your challenges are greater than that? It can be time-consuming but not impossible.

What sustains you is your faith.

You’re not lost in the sea of uncertainty, but rather sailing towards your destined shores. With strong faith as your compass, and patience and self-belief as your guiding stars, trust in the universe’s plan and believe that things will work out.

As you continue your journey, know that every step forward brings you closer to the realization of your true purpose. So, be brave and keep going with faith in your heart. Your dreams are waiting for you!✨💖

© 2024 Poonam Vashist.



Poonam Vashist
Heartful Horizons

In pursuit of creating magic with my words and making a subtle difference by bringing closer the worlds of my dreams.✨