Lose Yourself to Find Yourself

The Power of Letting Go

Poonam Vashist
Heartful Horizons
3 min readMar 19, 2023


We all have moments in our lives where we feel stuck, lost, or unsure of our purpose. It can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience, and it’s easy to feel like we’ll never find our way again. But what if I told you that the key to finding yourself is actually in letting go of who you think you should be?

Losing yourself does not mean completely abandoning your sense of self or values. Rather, it’s about letting go of limiting beliefs and patterns that may be holding you back and opening yourself up to new experiences and opportunities.

Sometimes, we need to let go of our preconceived notions of ourselves in order to discover our true potential. This means being open to change, taking risks, and exploring the unknown.

In the process of losing ourselves, we can also find new parts of ourselves that we didn’t know existed. We can discover hidden talents, passions, and strengths that we never knew we had. We can find joy and fulfillment in unexpected places.

Let me share a story with you:

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Alex. Alex had always known what he wanted to do with his life, or so he thought. He had worked hard to become a lawyer and had been successful in his career. However, as time went on, he began to feel like something was missing in his life.

One day, Alex decided to take a break from his career and take a trip to a remote village in Southeast Asia. He had always been fascinated by the culture and wanted to experience it firsthand. Upon his arrival, Alex was struck by the simplicity of life in the village. People were happy despite having very few material possessions.

As Alex spent more time in the village, he realized that he had been living his life based on other people’s expectations and not his own desires. He had always thought that being a lawyer was what he wanted, but now he felt like something was missing.

Alex started to spend more time with the locals, learning about their traditions and way of life. He helped them with their daily chores and learned how to cook and make handicrafts. He even started to learn the local language.

Through his journey, Alex discovered a new passion for helping people and making a difference in their lives. He realized that he had been living a life that was not true to himself and that it was time to make a change.

When Alex returned home, he quit his job as a lawyer and started working for a non-profit organization that helped underprivileged communities. He found joy and fulfillment in his work and knew that he had finally found his true calling.

In the end, Alex’s journey of losing himself to find himself allowed him to live a more fulfilling and authentic life. He learned that it’s okay to let go of preconceptions and expectations and embrace the unknown. Sometimes, it’s only by losing ourselves that we can truly find ourselves again.

So if you’re feeling lost or unsure of your path, try letting go of who you think you should be. Embrace the unknown, be open to new experiences, and trust that the journey will lead you exactly where you need to go. Sometimes, the greatest discoveries come from losing ourselves.

“In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.”
― Andre Gide

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

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Cheers! ✨



Poonam Vashist
Heartful Horizons

In pursuit of creating magic with my words and making a subtle difference by bringing closer the worlds of my dreams.✨