Good things that come out of pandemic loneliness: my reconciliation with past fallouts

Okta "Oktushka" N.
Prince Okta Diaries
3 min readApr 14, 2022

Loneliness is quite subjective, we could feel lonely for a sudden few seconds, for a day, for few days, or for few months and beyond. And that sounds like what most people have experienced previously with repetitive pandemic isolation.

Everyone might have experienced isolation differently, but if you have lived alone, then the experiences could be all over in your head with nobody to talk to most of the times. But don’t feel negative yet, there is good news: the vivid thoughts could bring clarity and make us better at making future decision.

Self-isolation for long period may trigger past memories to come back fast and radiant. Nobody had a perfect past and that’s exactly how we improve in the present moment. So keep reading to figure out my personal encounter with my past.

1. Past Fallouts

It is inevitable that friendships would have fallout — sometimes recoverable quickly — and sometimes it took time or even not at all recoverable —at least that’s what we thought — What if it turns out that all fallouts are actually recoverable?

I’ve had fallouts too — even with close friends — and it turns out that as years go by, there are only good memories left about them. In other words, we have all fully healed and see each other in beautiful ways (again).

There is no right or wrong in reconciliation, it’s about having a big heart and whoever apologizes first will be happy and the other party would feel similar.

Reconnect and say sorry before it’s too late — while the other person is still alive and well. Life feels wonderful when our friends are doing good and happy.

2. Past Mistakes

We might have mistakenly hurt people when we thought we did the right thing by keeping distance from them. What if by backing off, we actually have left them vulnerable (although unknowingly)?

The regret of walking away after we figure out the whole story could be devastating. Nothing we could do to change the past, but we could improve our present by being more committed to our friends. Friendship comes with commitment; we don’t leave our friends out in the cold. Whatever capacity it is we are with our friends, we just don’t leave them, we should remain in good terms and to a certain degree still take care of each other.

3. Past Regrets

Taking people for granted and not appreciating them would finally manifest in monumental regret. When we explore our heart, we may find a void that wouldn’t even be there in the first place if we had appreciated some people more and treated them better.

Again, nothing we could do to fix the past, but here’s a simple trick: transfer the love and appreciation that we should’ve given to the present moment. See! There is a solution.

Final Say

We should forgive ourself and move on from the past (no matter how regretful we feel about it), but no pressure. The good memories would eventually overwhelm the opposite ones, and healing is just a matter of time.



Okta "Oktushka" N.
Prince Okta Diaries

SW QA, Internet of Things (IOT) Consultant, Solution Lead, TM Forum Associate. Worked at IT firm in Melbourne. Got PhD in IT from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS