5 Excuses Not to Write

Andrea Pronk
Hearts in the Write Place
7 min readDec 16, 2019


Why would you want to be a writer anyway?

“A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it”
― Roald Dahl

Right after my Medium Milestone — my first 500 followers — I kinda stopped publishing. It’s been weeks now and I have no excuse … or do I?

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Keeping up the habit of writing and publishing regularly and staying focused on your writing career is quite hard to do when you have a life as well. Of course, writing should be your life. And you have no idea how much I want it to be. But I have to live as well. Or rather, make a living. And since I’m not there yet with my writing, I have to do something else to earn my income.

As a freelance editor, I have been particularly lucky landing a principal who keeps me occupied — and earning — for the bigger part of my work week. Though I am occasionally required to visit clients, I can do most of my work from home. I actually like the work, even more since I have been entrusted with an important new project. How’s that for an excuse? There are only so many hours in a day and I am nowhere near as productive as I’d like to be.

I keep telling myself it’s all a work in progress, this new writing life. But that in itself, of course…



Andrea Pronk
Hearts in the Write Place

Writing editor with an inquisitive mind, an outwritten opinion and her Heart in the Write Place writes about writing, the creative process and (The) Change.