Go to Hearts in the Write Place
Hearts in the Write Place
Two writers. One marriage. Two Lifetimes of Experiences Worth Writing about.
Note from the editor

Admittedly, we are nowhere near as accomplished as the Medium authors whose posts inspire us every day. Still, we too have stories to tell, worth while to any aspiring writer. By sharing our own personal experiences with writing, we hope to inspire sparks of recognition, perhaps the occasional smile. Writing is a solitary business. All writers are alone in their struggle to find inspiration, gain acknowledgement or acclaim or simply just to get he words out. But misery loves company. And who said writers cannot work together? So here’s our two cents for you to enjoy and perhaps even learn from. If you have learned something from reading our words, we consider that our greatest accomplishment. We welcome your input!

Go to the profile of Andrea Pronk
Andrea Pronk
Writer and editor with an inquisitive mind, an outwritten opinion and her Heart in the Write Place writes about writing, the creative process and (The) Change.
Go to the profile of Andrea Pronk
Andrea Pronk
Writer and editor with an inquisitive mind, an outwritten opinion and her Heart in the Write Place writes about writing, the creative process and (The) Change.