
The decisions I made this NaNoWriMo

Andrea Pronk
Hearts in the Write Place


It is November and National Novel Writing Month is upon us again. With everything going on in my life at the moment, it sneaked up on me yet again, imposing questions on me:

  • should I even participate this year?
  • should I (finally) finish one of the books I started or should I start a new one?
  • if I do start a new book, what is it going to be about?
  • how much time should I dedicate to NaNoWriMo and
  • which moment(s) should I plan
  • should I participate in meetings for (more) inspiration?

Questions, questions.

And pressure. Straight from day one.

But that is not what NaNoWriMo is all about.

NaNoWriMo celebrates writing. It is meant to encourage and support (aspiring) writers worldwide. It endeavours to connect them in their shared goal of being a writer.

Positive and uplifting ideas.

Then why does it feel as if I have been assigned yet another task I have to fit into my already busy days?

It is not as if I am short of ideas. I have been carrying around at least 6 book ideas for the past years.
When I started NaNoWriMo in 2015, I started a fantasy novel, but got stuck and did not finish. Next NaNoWriMo, I was set on finishing it. I wrote … words. Today, it still hovers in my cloud, untouched since October…



Andrea Pronk
Hearts in the Write Place

Writing editor with an inquisitive mind, an outwritten opinion and her Heart in the Write Place writes about writing, the creative process and (The) Change.