Writers’ Ways

So many writers, so many methods. Find out which work best for you.

Andrea Pronk
Hearts in the Write Place


So many (aspiring) writers, so many different methods, like Stephen King describes in his stories featuring writers (such as The Dark Half and Bag of Bones).

“It could be a work of fiction, or history, or both — a long book exploding out of this central place in a hundred directions.”
― Stephen King, The Shining

My husband and I are both writers. There is much debate about when one gets to call oneself a writer: should one be published or is the ambition and frequent writing enough to be deemed a True Writer? Both my Writing-on-Medium-Heroes, August Birch and Shaunta Grimes, whose contributions I read daily, have some strong opinions about what it takes to be a writer, that — of course — are right up my alley.

For us, there is no longer any doubt: we are writers. We live the craft and, perhaps even more importantly, we think about it 24/7. We observe life around us, society and everything about it, constantly forming opinions and ideas for stories, blogs or books. We brainstorm, bounce ideas off of each other and motivate each other (both of us firmly believing the other is just so damn talented). We allow ourselves to be moved, amazed and inspired by films and series we watch, convinced we are able to write similar or even better stories and daydreaming about what would happen if…

Writers’ Rhythm



Andrea Pronk
Hearts in the Write Place

Writing editor with an inquisitive mind, an outwritten opinion and her Heart in the Write Place writes about writing, the creative process and (The) Change.