Curse Of Atlas

Aadithya S | Hearts_to_Ink

Aadithya Sundararaman
Hearts to Ink
6 min readJan 30, 2021


Foreword: This is a modern interpretation of an old Greek mythology set in a contemporary world. This story in verse is my first attempt at recreating old epics with a modern twist. Owing to this being my first attempt at bringing out an entire universe within the constraint of 1300 odd words, the poem would at times feel rushed and sometimes, stagnating at a juncture. I beseech the readers to accept this work with an open embrace and support a budding writer.


I gaze yonder, over the crimson red sky

Nyx stalks from afar as Helios gallops away

I gaze yonder as the sun sinks into the valley

Tease a fleeting image and a sly embrace

Artemis marches alongside her mighty horde

All sixty thousand archers resplendent bold

Over the valley, under the bridleway

On the tallest mountain that on earth lay

I gaze over the land scintillated by the stars

Stretching as far as the eye could perceive

Yet rooted to my place I stand impaled

Hold onto the hemlines of the sky as it sway

Curse of Atlas draconian, a vile atrocity

Spiteful as the unending pits of Tartarus

Millennia I endure in muffled suffering

A petty act, contrast to he who nailed the iron

Of deceit and charlatance, jealousy and greed

Till the brim filled as to rip the soul of his kin

Stranded from my blood for all eternity

The curse of Atlas I endure in silent agony

Millennia has passed since the war ended

A guard over the purgatory of land and sky

Stand the test of time, witness man’s ascent

A life of pleasure within reach yet so distant

T’was a time when repentance came flooding

Perhaps my trial by fire, of penance resolute

Rage took over for amnesty overlooked

Await with bated breath to turn over the tide

Never in the least to guess what ahead lay

Thread the Fates chose to spin around me

A moment of haste was all there could be

To stab my father and snatch his place

Oh Kronos! You vile fiend, who poisoned

My soul to slay mine own blood for power

Was I perhaps human, to err and later repent?

No I shan't sway from the path of vengeance

But my dear Elektra, how I wish you were here

A father may never love any daughter more

A blot it may be for I favored you the most

How I grieved as you were taken by that imp!

That thug who calls himself King of the Gods

Who laid his hand on my child and left her

For many moons you grieved over the battles

How I wish I were there to wipe your tears!

Zeus!! For long have I bore your fornication

No longer will tyranny thrive in Gaia’s bosom

Lord Ouranos’ will coursing through my body

My bare hands to rip all the gods shall suffice

No more this burden on my shoulders lay

Let worlds collide as I lay ichor to waste

Hero or God, hellhounds or sea nymphs

Any soul that dares Atlas’ might shall sink

Skies turns ochre as the Gods slowly fall

Lands that bleed of every hero’s corpse

Let mine fury strike fear in your hearts

A flamboyant Titan fighting his old cause

Apollo, Artemis, Ares and Athena

Sincerely futile attempts to control my pace

They lie at my feet, all blood of my blood

Decimate your beloved and let seas flood

We meet at last, Oh nephew and nemesis!

Thunder claps and lightning bolts in service

Know the might of the all-powerful Titan

His mere presence shall annihilate his victims

A trickle of gold teasing along the sides of his face

His feature weathered by bruises yet alert

Yet he manages a look full of complacence

“I must thank uncle for this exercise after all these years

For thousands of years have the Gods awaited

With bated breath for a challenge like this

I pray you pose a challenge that suffices our thirst

Until the next lamb for slaughter arrives on our porch”

“My dear nephew seems to be presumptuous of his victory

Let not mine previous defeat give you the rush that it does

I arrive after slaughtering your younglings in war

Unlike your conceited scheme killing my young in cold blood”

He stirs for a moment over the sudden proclamation

Perhaps in shock but he recoils almost immediately

It is no surprise for he tried to kill his own himself

A cold-hearted entity lowly than the lowest evil

His grip tightens and the impending war looms in sight

I let my focus around to scout for hidden surprises

I now realize that the sky has not fallen since I let go

I turn towards the hill and gasp in utmost horror

There she was bright and tender as the day

I saw her last before leaving for the war

Her hair swept by the winds along the north

Her petite frame burdened by the sky’s weight

Our eyes meet, father and daughter after eternity

Her appearance portraying a tale of pain

But more so of melancholy, of separation and heartbreak

Years of sorrow tearing down my beloved Elektra’s face

I let out a cry loud enough for her to hear

Of angst that would the seven seas obliterate

Endure the wrath of the curse of Atlas

To lose hope after climbing the ascent

Agony turns to pure rage as I turn myself

To face the demon and award his peril

But my greatest desire was my weakness after all

Struck his blow when I let down my sight

Blood spurts forth but so does my rage

For pain is my ray of light, my will to fight

I charge forward with an undeterred stride

Hands banging past his flashing strikes

Severely unmatched he turns to his brothers

Poseidon and Hades arriving to pompous fare

Perhaps a hasty move in his part to take

In a blink they lay dead as I returned their fire

“Is that all in your mighty arsenal, O Zeus?

Shame enshroud the Titans who fell to your blows

Let me end your miser-“ was all I could say

As pain struck me blind from the attack behind

I turn to see the perpetrator of this fiendish scheme

Jolted by the situation that lay at hand

For bewitched is the curse of mine name

To watch his own daughter reduced to maim

There she stood, her eyes smeared by tears

Hands quivering yet holding still onto the blade

A sight of absolute melancholy is all she was

A daughter in distress, a mother in chaos

What led her to this gruesome act I ponder

Perhaps a bait, or rather an illusion to misguide?

Maybe led to conspire in return for her dead son?

“You too my dearest?” was my silence breaking utterance

I stumble from the sky

I tumble towards the ocean

Left in agony over the fate played upon

Hitting the ground with a thud to rumble Rome till Avon

Pain searing through my body, gold coursing outwards

Blinded by the swagger, humbled by betrayal

My heart seeking an answer for this outcome

Was I to blame perhaps for what my daughter had become?

Memories come flooding of times so blissful

There she was! Her peals of laughter reverberating

Chasing after her sisters in the Hesperides

Unmindful of the sorrow that was to follow

Curse the Fates for my eternal damnation

Curse everyone for corrupting the mighty Titan that I was

I shed a tear in repentance for my action

Losing the trickle of humanity left, in this annihilation

I gaze upward and long for a final moment with my dearest

Maybe a few apologies, a final bid farewell

Before I transcend into the unknown

Disintegrate to infinity never to return

She descends slowly, a picture of grace and disarray

Weeping inconsolably for the deed she performed

She falls into my arms in regret and repentance

Only to see me in acceptance of my fate

I am at bliss embracing my long lost daughter

“It is alright my dear, it was never your fault

I shoulder the blame for your action

And from the depth of my soul accept the consequence”

I wipe away her tears with the last of my strength

“Forgive me mother Gaia for this massacre

Protect my innocent daughter from my sin

Let me sleep, set me free from the curse of Atlas”

A final gasp of breath before the transit

Into the pits of chaos and emptiness

With the image of my daughter on my breast

I close my eyes and give away to the darkness.



Aadithya Sundararaman
Hearts to Ink

I write as I muse about the randomness of this universe and wonder what is it that makes us who we are