How and Why to Post a Video Prompt on Your Dating Profile

Plus tips for Creating a Great Video Dating Profile

Lee-Michael J. Pronko
Heartstring Dating
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2023


Video prompts are a great way to enhance your dating profile and catch the attention of potential matches. A video prompt is a 30-second vertical video, similar to TikTok or Instagram Reels, that is prominently featured on your dating profile. Here’s how and why you should consider adding a video prompt to your dating profile.

First, it allows you to showcase your personality in a more dynamic and engaging way compared to static photos and text. It’s an opportunity to let your true self shine and make a genuine connection with others. In fact, studies have shown that emotional vulnerability is highly valued by most people when it comes too dating. By sharing a video prompt, you are taking a risk and showing your willingness to be open and authentic.

Video prompts are also still relatively new in the dating app world, so they can help your profile stand out from the crowd. Many users have yet to take advantage of this feature, which makes it an excellent opportunity for you to make a memorable impression on potential matches.

How to add a video prompt to your dating profile, step-by-step:

  1. Open your profile in the dating app.
  2. Look for the section where you can edit your profile. It’s usually located in the settings or profile tab.
  3. Scroll down to find the “Video Prompt” section. This is where you can add or update your video prompt.
  4. Choose a video prompt from a list of available options. You may find categories or themes to help you select a prompt that suits your personality.
  5. Once you’ve chosen a prompt, you can either record a new video directly within the app or upload a pre-recorded video from your device. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the recording or uploading process.
  6. After recording or uploading the video, review it to ensure it meets your expectations. You can make any necessary edits or re-record if needed.
  7. Once you’re satisfied with your video prompt, save or publish it. It will then appear on your dating profile for potential matches to see.

To create a great video prompt, consider the following tips:

  1. Keep it concise: Stick to the 30-second time limit to ensure your video prompt is engaging and doesn’t feel too long.
  2. Showcase your personality: Use the video prompt as an opportunity to let your true self shine. Be authentic and genuine in your video.
  3. Consider the setting: Choose a location or backdrop that reflects your interests or personality. Make sure the background is visually appealing and not distracting.
  4. Be mindful of sound: Keep in mind that some viewers may have their sound off. Consider adding subtitles or making your video visually engaging even without sound.
  5. Edit if necessary: If you want to make any additional edits, such as adding captions or adjusting the lighting, you may need to use external video editing tools before uploading the

It’s a good idea to update your dating profile and make it stand out.Adding a video prompt can be a unique and effective way to do just that. If you want to standout from the crowd book a 15 minute call with DATEWITHUS.



Lee-Michael J. Pronko
Heartstring Dating

Lee-Michael Pronko is an immeasurably proud single father to his son River, x2 tech founder, and host of The Art of Relationships podcast.