Top 5 Movies That Will Love You Back

Heather Anderson
Heather Anderson
Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2020

Looking for love? The couch can be a lonely streaming dessert. Watching shows of people being hunted and terrorized is not a great idea right now. We are tired. The kids are always home. We can’t see our buddies like we used to. We barely get dressed! The 80’s and 90’s Rom Com are calling to you, ready to whisk you away to a time when hair was a top priority. These Top 5 Movies won’t terrify you. They will tuck you in! Grab a blanket, and a glass of wine. It’s time for love. Their combination of fun, travel, and personal transformation is the attainable self-care gift you’ve been looking for. These classics will match your craving for connection. Your desire to laugh! You will feel a big warm hug, leaping from the screen. Let’s leap back to them.

5. Romancing The Stone- Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner jumble through the jungle on a treasure hunt laced with love! Kathleen Turner is a romance writer ready for the adventure of her life, and we get to ride her coat tails. Every time she smashes a travel size Brandy, then slashes jungle with a machete in broken pumps, brings a smile. Plenty of laugh out loud moments, of course, as DeVito makes a star performance. This flick has just the right amount of exciting chase, and getaway. The perfect Douglas hairdo. And more than enough Alto Sax scoring the journey to let us know the 80's are there for us, with great Adventure Movies.

4. Only You- Marisa Tomei and Robert Downey Jr. together, in love? It happened, and it will love you back. Only You is a 90's Rom Com written in the stars. There are supernatural forces at work. There’s a brash quirky best friend, and ITALY! There Marisa meets Downey Jr., the sweet American shoe salesman. Of course they fall in love while on a wild goose chase for the “one” that Marisa learned about from a Ouija board when she was a kid. There are beautiful dresses, yachts, pools, convertibles, and a romantic game of cat and mouse. Yes, you do want to watch that love story over and over, and let the winding roads of Italy sing to you of sweetness.

3. Bridget Jones’ Diary- If you’re looking for comfort while staying home in your jammies, drinking vodka, and watching nature shows, Bridget Jones is a hero to us all. The good news is, that even with that lifestyle, she manages to be wooed by two incredibly handsome British men! Being a complete goofball is what gets Bridget Jones ahead. And that sure is helpful right now. Maybe we all need to keep a confiding diary like Bridget Jones in the 90's, rather than posting too many comments on Facebook late at night. Now, just imagine you there on the London streets watching hot fisticuffs between Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. They are winning your affection, there on the couch in your jammies. It doesn’t matter if you have spilled ice cream down your shirt. It didn’t matter for Bridget! Oh, Bridget Jones’ Diary, I do love you. This movie will love you back!

2. Something’s Gotta Give- Diane Keaton, your journey to finding love is ours, too! A beautiful seaside house in the Hamptons stands as the backdrop for an unlikely love story between roguish Jack Nicholson, and Keaton. Find yourself in her sweet insecurity in matters of the heart. Feel her confidence in her professional self. Laugh as you watch a hilarious love grow between two clowns, and cry when you find yourself truly invested in their happiness. Visit Paris! See some Keanu Reeves wooing a mature woman! Walk the beaches with Diane. Something’s Gotta Give, I’m in love.

1. Under the Tuscan Sun- Topping the list is an ultimate experience of the phoenix rising again… In a beautiful Tuscan Villa in Italy! Heart-broken divorcee, Diane Lane, finds herself anew in a small Tuscan village. Her struggle to build a new life is ours, too! When she cries during a frightening thunderstorm, all alone, we are with her. When she serves a bottle of wine for one, and a block of cheese on the dinner table, we are with her. Hours of much to do, and too much time, stretch before her. We understand. She digs deep. She connects as she rebuilds a beautiful old house with a quirky team. Under the Tuscan Sun, she creates a chosen family. She discovers romance in the place itself! She finds Home, and we are comforted. Thank you, Diane, for the sun rise on a new day. We feel love, too.



Heather Anderson
Heather Anderson
Editor for

A writer and mom of two boys living in Seattle, WA. Creativity wins through words, food, music, performance, and adventure.