A Lover’s Return

Will Hunter’s return cure Cora’s broken heart?

Heather Kinnane
Heather Kinnane’s Steamy Stories
9 min readApr 28, 2021


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Cora huddled by the fire, book in one hand, hot chocolate in the other. Outside rain slashed against the window panes, lightning flashed so bright it lit up the curtains, thunder so loud she jumped every time it boomed overhead. Even the wind was up tonight, leaves and sticks and gumnuts smacking against the windows and tapping on the roof as they fell from the trees above.

Cora loved storms, most of the time. She’d happily sit and watch lightning for hours, felt a thrill at the distant rumble of thunder, enjoyed the rain. But this wind… something about it set her teeth on edge.

She turned a page in her book, groaning as the lights flickered and went out.


She fumbled in the dark for her torch, and then lit the candles she kept around the room. They were mostly a decorative feature, but on nights like these they came in handy.

She’d just lit the last one when a boom of thunder broke above her house, and she cowered.


Was that someone at the door?

She tilted her head to one side, listening, but another roll of thunder drowned out any…

