A Threesome with a… Ghost?

Stephanie and Jax are escaping for some alone time when someone, or something, joins them.

Heather Kinnane
Heather Kinnane’s Steamy Stories
5 min readMay 3, 2021


“Are you ready?” Stephanie asked.

Jax took a deep breath and nodded. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Let’s go.”

Moonlight glinted off shards of broken glass as they pushed open the front door, the creak of the hinges loud in the otherwise silent night.

Stephanie shone her torch in to check out the empty room. “You sure there’s no one squatting here?”

“Certain. Come on, there’s a cosy nook in the back of the house. Must’ve been the servant’s quarters. We can get a fire going.”

Stephanie smirked. “I don’t need a fire. I just need you.” She pulled him close, crushing her lips against his.

He kissed her back then pulled away, grabbing her hand and pulling her through the room.

“Come on. It’s spooky. Let me show you.”

At the back of the house he opened a door, leading to a small room with a single bed, a low table, and a fireplace ready to light.

“You know they reckon the lady of the house was having an affair with one of her male…

